Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A letter for Amber on her 2nd Birthday

Sharing my letter to Amber for her second birthday. ^_^

June 14, 2011

My Dearest Amber,

Today, you turn 2 years old. They say that we are entering a stage where babies are in their most difficult. Hence the phrase, ‘Terrible Twos’. 

I’d rather think of it as ‘Remarkable Twos’ because of your remarkable progress.

Though, I feel guilty at times because I feel that I do not spend enough time in finding ways to work on your early development and that I just rely on your natural phase. Yet, your development amazes me everytime you show Daddy and Mommy new things you’ve learned as we come home at night.

You can now identify most of the letters in the alphabet.

You already know how to count from 1 to 6, almost up to 10 (almost, because you still sometimes confuse 7 with 2, 8 to 3 and 10 to 5 when we use fingers in counting, but it’s ok my dear. You are getting there and I am just as proud! J).

You can name some of the animals in your height chart.

You can already follow instructions like putting your toys away, putting your used clothes in your hamper, putting on your slippers, throwing pieces of paper in the garbage bin, and a lot lot more!

You respond to questions accordingly.

When we ask you, “How old are you?”, you say “two” in your own cute sounding way.

You enjoy going to the mall. Several times, you pick a dress you like then turn to the sales lady and utter words that even the saleslady pretends to understand. We assume that you’re asking for your size? Those scenes were really funny!

You are a very friendly girl. You always smile, if not say hi to every child you see.

Just last weekend, we heard a new word from you. We asked you if you were sure, and you also blurted out a “shuure!”. It sounded soooo cute. We instantly grew this habit of asking you if you are sure repeatedly so that we can extract that very endearing “sure” from you.

I’m just saddened and worried that you are not getting enough nutrients that your little body needs at your age. You became a very picky-eater like Daddy. But at least Daddy eats a lot when he likes his food. I wish for your appetite to improve. And oh, you now enjoy drinking water from a cup! Is it goodbye time to your straw cup, which you liked very much?  

I’m sorry if sometimes mommy cannot understand what you mean that you become upset that leads to your occasional tantrums. I promise that sooner, our communication will be better.

I love you Amber, and I love you more everyday as you grow up. Mommy and Daddy will work hard so we can give you a comfortable life.

Happy second birthday, anak!!!


Haaay, My little baby is growing up pretty fast. And she's beginning to look more and more like me! Deadma na lang sa violent reaction ng daddy who also insists that Amber looks like him.  ^_^

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