Monday, August 08, 2011

Long-Distance Motherhood

I was in a bus last Friday going to where I'm meeting the Hubby when I overheard a lady at the next seat talking to her child (I assume) on her cellphone. She was trying her hardest to explain to her kid why she can’t be home on the kid’s birthday to the point that she is already raising her voice in frustration. She said she needs to work so she can send them money.

The conversation (one way at least) and the disappointment in the mom’s voice struck me.

Nanay and I had been in the same situation when I was in Elementary. But at least I get to see Nanay twice a month as she comes home every payday. She worked in Makati while I stay with her siblings in Muntinlupa. Transportation then wasn’t as easy as it is nowadays so Nanay had to rent a room near her work place. That would also save her transportation cost and whatever she had saved, she gave me for my school expenses.

Unlike the lady in the bus, Nanay and I never had such argument. Nanay always made sure that she comes whenever I needed her... on my birthdays... on school events... And if she really can’t, she explained it to me well. I did understand. I can proudly say that I was matured enough in my age to understand our situation. To understand the sacrifices Nanay is doing to give me the best she could. And I have never taken it against her that she wasn’t there with me during most of my teenage years. I knew what she was going through.

And when she’s home, she lavished me with all the love and care as though she is always trying to make up for the times she wasn’t around. 

Looking at my situation now, I feel so lucky to be able to come home to my daughter every night. It's a blessing that I am thankful for.

I wish that I will not have to go through all that lady and my Nanay went through. The few hours every day that the Hubby and I have to leave our daughter for work is already upsetting. What more leaving and not seeing her for days and weeks. I couldn’t imagine. Yet, sometimes life doesn't leave us much choice.

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