Friday, May 18, 2012

A Vote For Philip

Oh my gosh! Hey J.Lo, I think I’m one of those 20 million girls!!!

I’m not much of an AI fan but since AI regained its popularity again in the country because of Jessica, I have been watching every contender’s performances in Youtube. The first time I saw Phillip, I knew I am vouching for him. Imagine my happiness when they both landed at the top 3 spot! But, of course, I have to be one with the whole Philippines in rooting for a kababayan.

But meyn! After I’ve seen Philip singing 'We've Got Tonight", I’m sorry dear Jessica... you have 90 million Filipinos behind your back anyways, let me vote for Phillip!!! LOL. ^_^

*And just why the heck can't I insert Philip's video here?!?!?!*


  1. I, too, am no AI fan. But upon reading the results thru fb and twitter, naalala kita. Hihi.
    Kmusta nmn? Busy busyhan mode ka na nmn :) have you read Steve jobs bio na pala? Nagahhanap kasi ako ng mapapagdownloadan puro ibang language ang na DDL ko.

    1. hi sis! oo nga e, feeling busy. trying to post something every now and then para hindi totally mia ang drama. hehe!

      ay not yet. still busy with the thrones. hehe!


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