Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fun DIY: Ribbon Spools



I made the ribbon spools using tissue paper cores and scrap cardboards.

How it was done? Sooo easy! 

1. Cut the tissue paper cores according to the width of your ribbon. 

Yup, I have started collecting tissue paper cores since early this year for no specific use then. I have tons of them now.

2. Trace a jar’s lid or any round material onto your cardboard and cut. Make sure that the flat circles are at least an inch bigger than the tissue paper core. These will serve as your ribbon stopper. Optional: cut a hole on the flat circles if you wish to put the spools on a rod for organizing.

3. Using any type of glue, attach the flat circles on both sides of the core. I used contact glue mostly, but white glue worked well too, you just have to wait longer for it to dry.

4. Now this is the fun part where you can ask your children to help. Roll your ribbons onto the spools!

Another step taken towards my goal to declutter and have my art materials organized. These are still to be sorted based on colors and sizes. I still need to stock up on plastic shoe boxes though to accommodate my supplies. I purchased these shoe boxes for only P33 each. :)

I am still looking forward to having that cabinet-type workspace!

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