Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Another Holiday In January!

Christmas 2011 and New Year 2012 fell on Sundays so it was just like having a weekend off. No extra days for celebrations unless of course if you take a leave from work like what we did on Dec-26. So it was so bitin!

But... there is something to look forward to this month!

The Malacanang Palace declared Jan-23 as a special non-working day in celebration of the Chinese New Year. First time that the government did this for this occasion and employees, who are not Chinese (well, not by tradition at least) like me are cheering for this extra day off! Yipee! Now, it’s time to plan for things to do on a long weekend that is coming up in 3 weeks! ^_^  

Gong Hey Fat Choy! An advance welcome to the year of the water dragon. ^_^

To self: Time to bring out your blue, aquamarine and turquoise stuff! ^_^


  1. yehey indeed sis! i hope your hubby is still on vacation that time so you can set for another bonding moment with him and andoy. love love love long weekends! ^_^

  2. Time to bring out your blue, aquamarine and turquoise stuffs! May ganun :) ? Cge, ill bring out mine too! :)

    Long weekend means you have start downloading new films to watch with the hubby :)

  3. oo sis! lucky colors daw yun for this year. ^_^
    korek! time for a movie marathon na namin ito!


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